Thursday, November 13, 2008

My Arsenal

This is my mountain of knowledge. My hoard of how to, how much, and how come. That mess on top are the hundreds of recipes, cooking tips, and technique demonstrations that I have torn from various publications since I was eighteen (an attribute of my mother's that I apparently couldn't leave at home). This doesn't include the myriad recipes from food blogging paradise that I have saved, bookmarked, and copied and pasted into Word documents. I haven't tried even a fraction of the recipes shown here, but they sound good, or did at one time. I am very proud of my assemblage, it has pretty pictures. How could I not win? I have a book on how to cook everything! Not to mention, 2001 chicken recipes. Beat that Ari!
Those who know me well understand that this might as well be reams of blank paper. These books are one thing I am not, organized. My brain rejects such a state with great conviction. What Ari probably doesn't realize is that by initiating this blog he has bestowed upon me the gift of forced structure and focus. Having to post twice a week necessitates a systematic (my mom's favorite word to describe how we had to sweep the floor) approach to this competition that otherwise would have found me floating aimlessly in my sea of recipes and pretty pictures. I thank you Ari, you have set the cornerstone of your demise (insert witchy cackle here).
So, my new found sense of focus has brought me to the conclusion that I will start at the very beginning, a very good place to start...
  • Knife skills
  • Stocks & consommes
  • Sauces & reductions
  • baking & the science behind it
  • terrines (I'm obsessesed)
  • and, of course, molecular gastronomy

I will try to include pictures. I am not (at the moment) concerned about how much of my training and technique I reveal. I am, however, concerned about my extensive use of parentheses and references to my mother in this post. I think that Ari and I gleaning knowledge from each other and anyone who wishes to comment can only make this competition more interesting and involved. Come February, I am confident that we will have distinct menus, techniques and applications. I hear truffles will be in season...

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