Friday, November 21, 2008

Giving Thanks

So, I would have taken pictures of the massive amount of groceries purchased in a record half an hour over my lunch break, but The Husband had the camera. I know, I know, get another one you say. Don't worry, it's on my Christmas list. The fact that it costs almost as much as 10.7, hundred dollar Christmas presents combined shouldn't deter any of my relatives from at least considering it. You know who you are.

Back to business. This weekend is going to be a complete coordination of culinary craziness. I would like everyone to note the copious usage of alliteration in my posts. See Mom and Dad, I did learn something in college! OK, but now really back to business. I have two Thanksgivings to attend and cook for this weekend. I know, lucky me. Tomorrow is the In-law Thanksgiving. I am really looking forward to this since a) my daughter gets to play with her cousin, and b) I have been told what to cook and bring. As stated previously, structure imposed by outside sources is always welcome. So, on the menu tomorrow is gnocchi with mushroom sauce and roasted green beans. I have added a long fermentation, no-knead bread just for the sake of experimentation. Not only must I complete these dishes tomorrow, but I also must brine the turkeys (yes, that is plural) for Sunday as well as prep for my dishes. The menu Sunday consists of two bbq'd turkeys, one ham, stuffing, candy apple pie, port-glazed pearl onions, and jalapeno-cranberry sauce, at least so far. Did I mention that I was cooking for at least 30 people? I'm pretty excited. For real. After all of this hullabaloo, we celebrate "real Thanksgiving" with my parents on Thursday. Thankfully they don't mind leftovers. I do, however, have some recipes (butternut squash/chicken liver pate, pumpkin creme brulee) that I would like to try for them. We'll see how inspired I am at that point.

OK, so now you know what to expect this weekend. I am commandeering the camera and will document the madness. Obviously this is preparing me for February because I will be cooking. Cooking a lot of stuff. Do you see the connection?

P.S. Anne, as you know, I am immune to peer pressure (obviously), so your goading had nothing to do with me posting tonight. FYI.

1 comment:

Hunter Gatherer said...

I think you are both freakin' crazy. When you want to make Beef Wellington from scratch--that means the puff pastry, the pate of chicken livers, and the duxelles--let me know!! It is at least a three person proposition and I think we would have a great time (lubricated by a couple of bottles of Bordeaux)--all this other stuff is just foreplay.