Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Welcome to Top Chef Oakland!

The scene is Valentine's Day 2009. Tiffany Hodgens, mother of one and happy wife, will be challenging Ari Dolid, happy husband, in a competition called Top Chef. (It's really Top Chef meets Iron Chef). Over the course of the next few months, Tiffany and I will be preparing for the competition, and will be posting aspects of and ideas from our training. From stocks and specialty ingredients to tools and menu composition, everything is described here.


Each participant will plan a four course menu around the theme of Valentine's Day, and will also include a pre-dinner cocktail. They may practice recipes and brainstorm ideas ahead of time, but menus will be composed on the day of the event. The morning of the event, the two judges (Anne and Jason) will each introduce a secret ingredients that both contestants are required to use in their menus.

Participants are allowed to test recipes in advance.
Research and practice are encouraged.
Exact menus for the event can not be prepared ahead of time.

Ingredients are bought on the day of the event at the farmers market and grocery store.
Specialty items may be purchased in advance for use on the day of the event.
A Full pantry will be available to both contestants.
Chicken, Vegetable, Veal, Beef, Fish and Seafood stocks will be prepared in advance. Each participant will prepare 3 of the stocks, and will prepare enough for both participants to use on the day of the event.

All kitchen tools will be available to both contestants.
Contestants may bring their own tools.

After finding out the secret ingredients, participants will have 30 minutes compose menus, and will have 30 minutes to finalize menus after visiting farmers market.

Day of Event:
Participants will go to the farmers market and grocery store for ingredients.
Each participant will have a budget of $75.
Participants have from the time they return from farmers market until 6pm to prepare their menus.
Anne, Jason and other judges (TBA) will judge based on Taste, Originality, Presentation, Menu Composition, and use of surprise ingredients.

Each participant must post two blogs per week on the designated blog site to update audience on their preparations.


Unknown said...

As a matter of principle I've cast my lot in with Tiffany. If I fly up to the bay area to participate in said tasting does it make my vote for her null and void?

Olsie said...

As a matter of principal,I'm going to try and stay neutral. As you know, I belong to a group of people whose national flower is the hedge:)